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Love Letter to My Hubby (2011 edition)

wrote this on Feb 22nd, 2011

Di suatu perjalanan dengan bus menuju Tumpang untuk retreat, long-long ago in August 1995 I met him.

Waktu itu saya masih duduk berdampingan dengan mantan pacar saya (bener-bener mantan pacar yang tidak jadi suami :-p), dan dia duduk berdampingan dengan mantan pacar nya (yang juga bener-bener mantan pacar yang tidak jadi istri:-p).

Sembilan tahun kemudian di tahun 2004, setelah begitu banyak yang terjadi… ternyata dia (yang tadi duduk sama mantan pacarnya itu), benar-benar menjadi mantan pacar yang akhirnya jadi suami saya. (hhhmmm belibet ajeeee….) Bener-bener life is a mystery dahhhh

Seven years sevent months friendship, one year and two months courtship, and six years eight months in marriage life, he transforms from someone to dearest one for me.

Saya belajar untuk menuliskan kata-kata cinta. Karena begitu banyak luka membuat kata-kata cinta sepertinya tidak lagi berarti untuk dituliskan dan/atau dikatakan. Hati ini kembali menjadi hati kecil yang kembali belajar berjalan seperti Celine (anak babtis kami). Belajar untuk kembali mampu merasa dicintai. Seluruh raga memperbolehkan kembali diri ini untuk terluka karena mencintai. I let my heart fall in love again.

Yes, today I fall in love with the man I married 6 years and 8 months ago. It’s such a warm and secure feeling.

It’s an emotional feeling because in a second all the feeling can turn to a fuzzy feeling full with complaining. It’s lebayyyy writing this (yes or no?)… because in a second this love letter can change to a demand letter full of ‘why’ and ‘when’ questions and list of target he has to achieve as my husband. It’s impulsive to wanting you my darl (copyrite from Angie Sondakh gw pinjem dulu) because in a second I can make you feel unwanted and unneeded. But it’s ok because I learn to give my self completely day by day. My emotional, lebay, and impulsive (in a good, charming way) feeling and also my weakness who’s make me so uncaptivating to you.

Thank you for being my hero since day 1 of our marriage by giving yourself to take the cross of life (who’s me as the cross of course! kok malah bangga? Hehehe…) Thank you for the hard work you did (and do) all these times to fulfill my need and comfort (I’m such a high maintenance wife in terms of comfort and pleasure rite?) Thank you for making my dreams become your dreams, holding my hands and keep whispering to me that we will make all our dreams come true. Together!

Thank you because you always put God as the center of your life. By doing that you sanctify me as your wife.

Sementara ini… itu dulu thank you yang tertulis… (Thank you for a million reasons deh, tapi ntar keburu ilfil bacanya :D)

Most of all… Thank you for loving me by giving yourself to me… Free, total, faithful, and fruitful …. (ToB bangeeetttt hihihihi…) I have to stop before 12AM, and this love letter change to a pumpkin of grumpiness

And we live happily ever after (teteuuppp maksa kayak Cinderella)

Your lovely wife, (eheemm- eheemmm) Lia (bukan Cinderella!)

Inspired by Angelina Sondakh… hehehee… Bukan nyumpahin suami gw kayak Adjie Marsaid (*amit-amit*!!!), tapi life is too short, so I better say (or write) a blessing words instead of anything unuseful.

Disclaimer: Ini karya “sastra” tulisan gw lohhh… jadi bukan mau pamer perasaan cinta… hahaha… kalau merasa mual saat membaca ini silakan langsung dimatikan (mudah2an bukan my hubby yang doing it!… gagal deh love letter gw!). Tapi kalau mau pindah bacaan lain… sorry it’s too late… because you’re at the end of this love letter hahaha… Silakan memutuskan: mual-mual atauuuu  feel like Cinderella (in a real world!) Yang pasti suami gw yang bakal geleng-geleng kepala baca tulisan istrinya yang sok Inggris dengan grammer berantakan dan sok PD pula! yayyyy that’s me 📷

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